Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sometime in the Last Month?

It snowed in Frisco, but we still had to go to school, much to the dissatisfaction of the students. So Mrs. Benne took them outside for 5 minutes to play in it, since their 30 minute recess was cancelled.
My Mom and Dad went with us to a roller skating place.
 Anyone want any Girl Scout cookies? I'm Cookie Mom again this year. The Girl Scouts helped in unloading and dividing their cookies into piles at my house. We still have plenty of cookies here (in the surplus) if you need any.

 Going to sell Girl Scout cookies with her sister.

Bella made a healthy snack from her cookbook- a honey, strawberry, almond sliver, bread butterfly.
One of Bella's best friends Natalie came over for a play date.
Victoria got an award for the Reflections contest.
 Victoria and one of her besties Mathita at lunch
 Grandpa Dick gave us a really fun, really MESSY, clay pot wheel. Victoria taught Austin how to use it.

 Victoria and Courtney enjoy their blue Slushies.
 Carol gave Jeremy a really neat gift of a suit of armor that is now hanging in our guest bathroom (swords to follow according to Jer, not me.)
 Bella celebrates the 100 day of school by dressing like she's one hundred.
Making cookies after school.

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