Friday, December 20, 2013

Ice Storm, Elves, Christmas Party, Christmas Lights, Dave and Denise

 On Thursday, December 5th, we had an unseasonable very cold front blow in that mixed with another front bringing the Dallas metropolis a couple inches of ICE (not snow.) The kids enjoyed it, but it was miserable for anyone that had to drive in it. I was trapped at home for 5 days! But we made the best of it with lots of sledding on the driveway (that had 3 inches of ice), drinking hot chocolate, and playing dolls and dress up.

Note: Bella's scar under her nose caused from falling ice. Her and the neighbor kid had an ice ball fight. (I kept thinking of the movie The Christmas Story- "You'll shot your eye out!") Initially Bella was telling me threw sobbing tears of how it happened- "Ice fell down... and it hit me... and... it hurt... and (cry, cry, cry)." The next morning her story changed to- "Austin and I were throwing ice balls at each other. His were small little ones. (giggle, giggle, giggle)I got a giant foot one (laugh, laugh, laugh) and tried to toss it over the trampoline and it came down and hit me on the mouth." I think she learned her lesson.

Our elves have been very busy at night.
 On Friday the 13th, Jer and I attended his firms Christmas party at the Bent Tree Country Club. It was so much fun- lots of dancing and good food.

 The next night we went over to the Potts' new house in Little Elm- it's gorgeous and has way more room for their growing family.

 This is the Lunn/Potts family tradition of loading into one vehicle and going out to look at Christmas lights while drinking hot chocolate and singing Christmas carols. This year we were a little cramped with the addition of baby Grayson and Julie had to sit on the floor (shhh.) But hey, the more, the merrier.

 We celebrated Christmas and Denise's birthday by going out for sushi at Kotta, then exchanging gifts at our house. Bella has turned into a ham.
 Beautiful Ladies!

A busy December so far, and more to come...

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