Monday, October 29, 2012

State Fair and Halloween Party

Last weekend we went to the Texas State Fair with Carol and Dick. It was the last day of the fair and it was getting pretty hot and crowded as the day went on, but it was enjoyable. We let the girls ride four rides (as all the rides cost tickets and most rides were $3 each). The first one was a roller coaster, that Victoria was not too happy about; Bella of coarse loved it.
Here are the girls waiting in line for an airplane ride. It swings you around in a circle while on your stomach, kind of like the swings. Notice that they are waiting beside a Big Tex poster. This will probably be the only year that he was not at the fair, as he burned down earlier that week- Texas made national headlines in the news. But never fear- Big Tex II is in the works for next year. (Side note: I've heard of a couple of people going to Halloween parties as a charred Big Tex:) 
This will also be the last year that we will participate in the Little Rodeo, since Bella is six now; Victoria was too old, and honestly I don't think she wanted to. They picked Bella to be Queen Rodeo Cowgirl-to wear a Texas sparkly vest and wave the American flag as she lead the kids out into the arena.
She then galloped around barrels in a timely manner to compete with other kids her age.
We had fun riding the rides (giant carpet slide, and twirly mini roller coaster), eating a ton of really good crap (nachos, fries, turkey leg, popcorn), seeing a dog and car show (thank goodness for the air conditioning), going to the petting zoo (even if all the fat animals didn't want to be fed), and shopping at the tents. Each girl bought a sterling silver $6 ring; which Bella lost later on that night, but Daddy found it.
This weekend we had our first official cold snap the night before our neighborhood outdoor Halloween party. I was glad I chose to go as a cat with a warm hat:). The girls changed their minds on their costumes and went as something warmer. Some of you might recognize these costumes from last years Halloween party too. But this year Bella is not a Cheerleader Vampire, but just "Daddy's Little Vampire." She was upset 5 minutes before this picture was taken, because she thought she looked like a boy. I said, "Well, let's make you look like a girl. Do you want pigtails?" She got into character really fast after that. We made Mummy Dogs for the party which was a big hit. We had a good time seeing old friends, letting the kids run up and down the street, and trying to scare each other. Boo!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 12-16

Busy. Busy. Busy. But loving every minute of it.

On Friday Jer had his heart set on taking the girls to see the play Macbeth- Spakespeare in the Park in Addison. I was a little apprehensive, since the night previous I had googled Macbeth for kids and found a cartoon version Victoria thought it was too scary. But I forgot how most of what Skaespeare writes is hard to understand, so its meaning isn't as harsh and the girls had a great time at the play. The wonderful 70 degree weather was perfect for the night. Unfortunately the play started at 8, so we ended up leaving during intermission at 10, because the girls were starting to fall asleep. A Victoria funny- we were using the restroom during the play and Victoria asks me- "Mom why didn't they have locks in Shakespeares time? I think I would have just locked out Macbeth from my room." The next day the girls spent the entire morning creating and acting out plays for Jer and I. My favorite was their rendition of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. With their love for plays, I think we will be doing more Shakespeare in the Park and maybe some musicals this year.

On Saturday I participated in my first ever Flash Mob. Basically it is where a group of people  will start dancing to a song at a random unexpected time and place together. It was very fun. It has been on my bucket list of things to do before I turn 40 (at the end of this summer). We danced to a medley of songs including- Gimme, Gimme Some Love; Doctor, Doctor, Mr. MD; and They Say It's Your Birthday. We were given the songs and dance moves a week before the event through email links, then we met for 3 hours before the event to practice. At practice we were told where the event was going to be- downtown Dallas at an outside plaza in front of a restaurant. I texted Jer so he could bring the girls and go watch. We got to the restaurant an hour before the event and ordered some food, then when the music came on, we ran out into the outdoor arena to dance. There was about 75 of us. It was pretty exhilarating. I messed up a couple of times, but who can really tell in a group that big, right? :) Here are some of the gals from the Flash Mob.

Afterward I went over to where my family (Jer, Victoria, Bella, Carol, and Dick) was sitting, and was shocked to see Bella minus one tooth. Apparently it had fallen out after soccer when Jer took her for ice cream and was wiping her mouth. She looks like a different kid now. She also scored two goals in soccer that day.

On Sunday we went to church and was asked to present the offertory. The girls seemed fine with that idea until when the actual time came. Victoria clung to my leg with one hand and the money basket with the other. I was just glad I didn't spill the wine. I could see the priest chuckling too. Later that day we went to a bowling alley in Allen and to celebrate Tessa's 8th birthday. The whole gang was there- Tessa,Tanner, Quinn, Dave, Carol, Dick, Dave, Denise, and our family. The girls beat me at bowling, but in my defense I didn"t have bumpers up on my lane. We ate carrot cupcakes that Tessa helped make and had a great time!
Later that day I went out to Happy Hour with my Zumba friends. I do Zumba two to three nights a week. It has really helped me keep the weight off. I cherish the friends that I have made. It is so much fun hanging out with happy people. If anyone ever wants to join me, feel free.

On Tuesday I went with Bella to her field trip Pumpkins on the Prairie. She was so excited to see me (just like Victoria two years before) that she ran off the bus and gave me a hug.
Look at this new grin!
hanging with her friends
choosing the "perfect pumpkin"
creating the perfect pumpkin
We had a wonderful day!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Pumpkin Carving with Hunter & Amanda

Hunter and Amanda came over last night and we carved a pumpkin together.
The girls made Smores on the fire pit.
Great times!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bella's Dodgeball Party

Bella turned 6 on Friday. We had a park party. The weather cooperated for the first 20 minutes, then a COLD front blew in. It was so windy, it blew away almost all the party favors/balloons I had bought. That was just the beginning of the things that would go wrong- lack of jackets, camera, pinata, and glow necklace malfunctions, sick children, trying to see the kids in the dark... I'm just happy we all survived. But more importantly, Bella had a smile the whole time, as did 90% of the kids. So I suppose it was a success. 
Bella loved the red soda! We had to hold onto our cups as the wind blew away some of the plates. I didn't get out the party hats or blowers that I had bought, because it was just too windy.
Bella helped make her birthday cupcakes. They were butterfly cupcakes made out of gummy worms for its body and twisted pretzels for its wings. We sung Happy Birthday to Bella, and she pretended to blow out the candles. It was about this time that the true coldness of the storm/wind started to kick in and it dropped about 10-15 degrees.
After the cupcakes Victoria yelled that we had jackets in the car, so the whole heard of kids took off running a block to our van. I tried to stop them, with no success. Little did they know, I only had back up jackets for my two kids and me. I ended up giving mine to Bella, so her jacket could be used for someone else.
I loved the determination of these kids with the pinata.
 The pinata was a great time, until the twine ended up breaking. The guys tried to fix it and did for a short time.
But it kept breaking, so Jer gave up and just held it out in front of himself, letting the kids take a swing. Luckily no one was hurt.
Chickening out after 3 near hits, Jer ended up just dumping the candy on the ground.
Yes, it was so cold we cuddled in blankets.
Bring on the dodgeball! The kids enjoyed a game of pelting each other with soft balls while trying to hide on the playground.
He might be the King of Dodgeball, but his mom still ended up getting him.
The hideout shelter.
I have the nicest friends. Janie brought coats from her house for some of the  kids that didn't have any. She also helped with an unanticipated potty break for a child.
Trying to keep warm.
Bella opens presents before it gets too dark. When I had first planned this party (a month in advance), I didn't think it was going to be that dark- note to future party planning self.
Thank you Bentley. I love my Diva hat!
Grandma gave Bella the Brave doll Merida and her dress. This is Bella's favorite movie right now.
We ended up cutting the party short by 20 minutes. It was suppose to go to eight, but it was just too cold. A big thank you to all of the parents that helped!!! It was definitely a night I will not forget.
The after party... 
I let Bella have three friends spend the night. Luckily they were so worn out that they fell asleep at 9:30. They woke up at 6ish. I put a cartoon on for them. Jer said he'd watch them, so I could sleep for a while. I woke up to screaming and ran to find out that they were jumping on the trampoline.  
When I came inside and looked at the time I saw that it was only 7:30, so I went back outside and told them that they had to jump quietly. The looks on their faces were priceless. "How do we jump quietly?!"
These are the only balloons that I have left from the 17 that I bought; they are now Bella's balloons instead of party favors. As my friend Chris put it- Look at it this way- 12 kids are going to be really happy when they find those uninflated balloons in their yards. It was definitely not the party I had planned for or expected, but nonetheless a good time was had.

Build A Bear

Lake Ray Roberts

Memorial Weekend 2009

Brothers Visit

Christmas '08

PA Vacation Slideshow