Sunday, January 4, 2015


 The girls performed a show for us singing Jingle Bells into a microphone that made their voice sound like an elf.

 Taking photos after church for Christmas card possibilities.

Jer and I were honored when our good friends Angie and Grady asked us to be the Godparents of their baby Christian. (Angie and I taught Faith Formation class together, and now Jer and Grady teach the men's ministry together.) 

Jer's Christmas party at Bent Tree- lots of dancing- lots of fun.

The girls help celebrate their best friend Abby turning eight with a cupcake after the movie of Big Hero 8. Love these girls!

Victoria teaches her Girl Scout troop Christmas carols and how to use the elf microphone.

Curly and Shirley make an appearance at the Lunn house.

It was pajama day up at the kids' school, so I participated at home.

Cindy's winter painting

Victoria's winter painting

Bella's winter painting

Christmas parties at school
Mrs. Bueno and Bella

Bella's cupcake/ice cream cone/ Christmas tree- cool idea!

Mr. McNeal and Victoria

playing a game to unwrap at present the fastest using kitchen mittens only- girls versus boys

The girl scouts went to see Home For the Holidays, a Plano Symphony orchestra performance. It was a little long for their age, but they liked most of it.


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