Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Nutcracker Tea Party

I had a Mommy-Daughter date with Victoria and Bella on Sunday. We got all dressed up. I did their nails and let them wear a light lipstick. We went to the Sugar Plum Fairy Tea Party (from the Nutcracker). A month agoI asked the girls what was one special thing that they wanted to do this Christmas season- they both said the Tea Party. We went last year too. Basically, it's a fun event where you get to dress up, meet all the ballet dancers, drink tea or hot chocolate, eat pretty pastries and goodies, hear the Nutcracker story, and watch a live condensed performance of the Nutcracker. 
Victoria was a little shy this year when talking to all the performers of the play. The toys soldiers guard the doors of the party and allow guests to enter.
She did however love the special gift that they gave- a snowflake jewelry box.
It was fun meeting and talking to all the performers who had amazing manners. Some were very young and others older. The majority of them started dancing when they were 3 years old. One had been dancing for 11 years and she was 13 years old!
They performed a marvelous play. Bella tries to emulate it.
Bella's BFF from school Kate was sitting at the next table over. She won the raffle prize of a Nutcracker. It's funny because not but 30 minutes before the raffle Kate said, "I know I''m going to win and everyone win be cheering for me."

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