Monday, November 12, 2012

A Visit From Iowa and Other Stuff

Victoria has become very creative. The other day, she was outside playing quietly. I went to go check on her and saw that she had created her very own outdoor Barbie house, complete with a leaves blanket held together with tape, a vase with flowers, a barky walkway, a miniature fan, and a fireplace with snail shells.
The Iowa cousins came down to visit. The girls had a fun time playing dress up with Micheal Patrick. The adults had a great time playing games (I learned a new one called Frackle) and eating yummy foods. I was so glad everyone could help us out with our Halloween candy stash. 
Spiderman marries Bella, then they tried to hide in a chest, but couldn't close it. 
Playing Jedi.
Victoria (on her knees) teaches Micheal Patrick how to dance, or is it the other way around.
All tuckered out and needing Mom.
The next morning the kids made chalk people. MP was a little tired of drawing, so he decided to take a break after doing a leg of his chalk man.
We said goodbye to the Iowa folk and then found Carol and Dick's mover devices, that were turned into scooters and later a comfy chair using the girls car seats.
That night we went for a Solidarity Walk in our neighborhood. We walked from one end of the subdivision to the other (30 minutes) with all our neighbors to show our support against crime. Because it was so dark out a police car lead the way and we walked in the street. Some people even had Christmas lights up. At the end of the walk were food trucks and we had a nighttime picnic, then played on the playground.

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