On Friday Jer had his heart set on taking the girls to see the play Macbeth- Spakespeare in the Park in Addison. I was a little apprehensive, since the night previous I had googled Macbeth for kids and found a cartoon version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC9G_CZVAL8 Victoria thought it was too scary. But I forgot how most of what Skaespeare writes is hard to understand, so its meaning isn't as harsh and the girls had a great time at the play. The wonderful 70 degree weather was perfect for the night. Unfortunately the play started at 8, so we ended up leaving during intermission at 10, because the girls were starting to fall asleep. A Victoria funny- we were using the restroom during the play and Victoria asks me- "Mom why didn't they have locks in Shakespeares time? I think I would have just locked out Macbeth from my room." The next day the girls spent the entire morning creating and acting out plays for Jer and I. My favorite was their rendition of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. With their love for plays, I think we will be doing more Shakespeare in the Park and maybe some musicals this year.
On Saturday I participated in my first ever Flash Mob. Basically it is where a group of people will start dancing to a song at a random unexpected time and place together. It was very fun. It has been on my bucket list of things to do before I turn 40 (at the end of this summer). We danced to a medley of songs including- Gimme, Gimme Some Love; Doctor, Doctor, Mr. MD; and They Say It's Your Birthday. We were given the songs and dance moves a week before the event through email links, then we met for 3 hours before the event to practice. At practice we were told where the event was going to be- downtown Dallas at an outside plaza in front of a restaurant. I texted Jer so he could bring the girls and go watch. We got to the restaurant an hour before the event and ordered some food, then when the music came on, we ran out into the outdoor arena to dance. There was about 75 of us. It was pretty exhilarating. I messed up a couple of times, but who can really tell in a group that big, right? :) Here are some of the gals from the Flash Mob.
Afterward I went over to where my family (Jer, Victoria, Bella, Carol, and Dick) was sitting, and was shocked to see Bella minus one tooth. Apparently it had fallen out after soccer when Jer took her for ice cream and was wiping her mouth. She looks like a different kid now. She also scored two goals in soccer that day.
On Sunday we went to church and was asked to present the offertory. The girls seemed fine with that idea until when the actual time came. Victoria clung to my leg with one hand and the money basket with the other. I was just glad I didn't spill the wine. I could see the priest chuckling too. Later that day we went to a bowling alley in Allen and to celebrate Tessa's 8th birthday. The whole gang was there- Tessa,Tanner, Quinn, Dave, Carol, Dick, Dave, Denise, and our family. The girls beat me at bowling, but in my defense I didn"t have bumpers up on my lane. We ate carrot cupcakes that Tessa helped make and had a great time!
On Tuesday I went with Bella to her field trip Pumpkins on the Prairie. She was so excited to see me (just like Victoria two years before) that she ran off the bus and gave me a hug.
Look at this new grin!
hanging with her friends
choosing the "perfect pumpkin"
creating the perfect pumpkin
We had a wonderful day!
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