When you have kids, weekends and weekdays just sort of melt together and warp speeds happen instantaniously. Sometimes you've just got to remember to take a breath (and take a picture, so you can remember what happened.)
We had a second visit to Six Flags a couple of weekends ago. This time I got to go with Victoria on some rollercoasters. She took me on the Judge Roy Scream (after going with Daddy again.) That was the most rickety rollercoaster I have been on in a long time. I can't believe she likes it as much as she does. I also got to take Victoria on the Mine Train- a favorite of mine that I remember as a child going on with my Dad. Later, we ended with the carasol, after determining it was getting too hot, and we needed to make an Icee run.
Victoria and her class put on a musical performance during Friday Morning Live (their school's weekly announcements and assemblely.) They sang an Eddie Cooker song about driving a bus. They did a great job!
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