We went to the Plano Balloon Festival this past Sunday. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I loaded the car with the lawn chairs and a cooler for some drinks. There last "take off" was at 6 that night, so we left at 5:15. We grabbed some McDonald's and headed for a parking lot to watch the sight. It was splectacular! The balloons floated right over our head. Victoria and Bella ran on the little grass section in front of our car.

The ballons had to clear the power lines that were right in front of us. I was a little scared of this- I've seen one too many Real TV episodes where a balloon pops on the power lines.

The great dragon balloon- this was of coarse the girls favorite. It was also the last one of the evening. I was a little disappointed because I thought there would be more giant balloons and balloons period. On their website it shows close to 30, but we probably only saw between 10-15.

They seriously floated right over your head. You could see the fire when they pulled the string.

Jeremy and Victoria are getting a better look. Bella would not put Monkey down the entire evening. She also loved my Coke drink from McDonalds.

The girls found a little space to sit down in the grass. There was also tons of rocks from the parking lot scattered in the grass that they kept playing with. See, I told Jeremy that we didn't need to bring a ball to play with. (Sidenote: I did bring their bikes to ride, but the parking lot was too crowded.)

Strike a pose! Afterwards we went to Garden Ridge and bought some Fall accesories for the house. We also went through their Halloween section of the store. They had really scarey ghosts and gowls. It was funny to watch the girls' reactions.
Yea!! I'm glad you made it there. And, wow!, what a view where you were. The balloons were SO far away in that TI parking lot where we were.
glad you had a good experience...we might not ever go back. well, that is extreme but I think we'll wait until sunday next year. Wasn't he dragon so cool.
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