Victoria is becoming increasingly more curious about the letters in the alphabet. Last night she was having a hard time going to bed. She kept waking up and coming to our room and saying, "I need to go pee." So I would sit with her for a couple of minutes, while she sat on the potty and did go pee. As we were sitting there, she looked at my
Tshirt that says Padre Island on it in big bold letters. She kept saying- what letter is that?; what is it for? She knew the A and that it was for Apple. This morning she found a twisty tie on the floor in the kitchen. She made it into the letter V and said, "V is for Victoria." I was very excited. I took the twisty and formed the letter O. I said, "What letter is this?" She shrugged. I said, "This is the letter O, O is for..." I stalled for a second, thinking maybe I should say oyster or
ostrich. Then she chimes in... "O is for
Obama." My little girl is so political. Maybe we have been watching too much TV.
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