Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Valentines, Girl Scout Slumber Party, and More

I really liked this pic of Bella.
For Victoria's 2nd grade Valentine box, she wanted to make a lion one after she saw something similar on Pinterest. I hot glued brown wrapping paper, toilet paper tubes, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, felt cloth, and foam hearts where Victoria told me to put them.
Victoria celebrates Valentines day with her class mates. I helped plan the party this year for her class- we made Fortune Tellers, decorated sugar cookies, played Bingo with conversational hearts, and exchanged and opened Valentine cards.
Bella's class party. Look at how neat these Juice Box Robots are! (I didn't make them, but probably will steal the idea for next year- the kids loved them.)
I was Cookie Mom this year for Victoria's Girl Scout troop, which meant that I picked up with my van and housed all the GS cookies at my house, until the girls and their parents could come get them.
After they put their cookies in their cars, I had the girls have a slumber party and "camp out" in the upstairs den. We ate pizza and played Twiddly Winks. (BTW Bella had just come home from a birthday party in which they painted her face like a tiger.)
They played the game Prop Bag, where you separate into two teams and have to use all the props in your bag for an imaginative play. Victoria, Sarah, and Ashley put on the play Singing Mermaids, while Bella, Courtney, and Hannah, put on a play I can only attain was something like When Animals Go Bad And Attach Their Veterinarian.
The girls had so much fun with this game they wanted to switch bags and put on some more goofy plays.
We then taught the girls how to play the card game Spoons- my favorite from when I was a kid.
We also played Twister.
And Who's In That Sleeping Bag, where one girl tries to guess who's in whose sleeping bag by asking one question and if she guesses correct they pop out of the bag.
Finally we watched the movie Pochantas in our sleeping bags. The last girl fell asleep at 9:50, most at 9:30- not too bad :) Although they still got up at 6:30. We made pancakes and jumped on the trampoline. Their parents picked them up at 9:30, then we went to church and had lunch with Carol and Dick.
Braelyn came over that day and spent the night, since her mother just gave birth to baby Grayson and is confined to her bed for the next couple of days. They had fun playing outside, going to the library, and delivering GS cookies to neighbors and Jer's office.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Skiing, 5K, Daddy Daughter Dance

Jer was fortunate to go on two guys weekend ski trips this year. The first one he and Dan skied Lake Taos and visited the Mormon sites, even getting to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing. The second one we went skiing with Stephen and Hunter in Colorado. On one of those days he was able to ski with his brother Josh and Paul.
Cindy attended the baby shower of Julie. We can't wait for baby Grayson to come!
 Father Larry visited Victoria's Faith Formation class. Victoria asked him f he ever wanted to be the pope.
This is the house that Bella built!
She was given the assignment to put together a group of 100 somethings for her celebration of her 100th day of school. She choose to build a Popsicle house for her stuffed animal Orangie, the Orange Puffle. I helped very little as you can see, just hot glued the roof as best that I could. 
I did my first ever 5K and ran the whole thing! (I think doing Zumba and working out helped with my endurance.) It was my friend and next door neighbor Julie's birthday and she wanted to do something fun, so a group of neighborhood girls got together for a Graffiti Run. You wear white to the starting line. There are stations set up throughout the race that throw neon colored dye at you, so by the end of the race you are a giant "graffiti" board. They also gave us one packet of dye after the race to play with. We went wild tagging each other. 
After the race I rushed home and got the girls ready for their Daddy Daughter Dance.
Jer picks up the Schoers in the Royal Chariot, aka, the minivan.
The girls meet up with their friends at the dance. The girls told me that they had a great time. Victoria and Kate started a Congo Line and got the whole dance floor dancing. That's my girl! ;)
The next day we went to a Superbowl party at Jay and Julie's house. We were placing bets on if baby Grayson would grace us with his presence, but alas, no. The girls however, performed a stellar half time show complete with costumes (much better then Beyounce IMHO).

Build A Bear

Lake Ray Roberts

Memorial Weekend 2009

Brothers Visit

Christmas '08

PA Vacation Slideshow