What a busy, busy, day, I mean week, I mean month! Bella had her ballet performance this past weekend. They danced to the song How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? Although getting her to practice was like pulling teeth, she did a great job, even with a cast on. One of her highlights was the fact that she got to wear real makeup. After I put it on she said to me, "Mommy, I look prettier than you." I'm not sure if I should take this as a compliment :)
One of Bella's friend's mom took some pictures for us. Can you tell where Bella is? I use to say look for the red hair, now it's look for the pink cast.
McKenzie and Bella
I was Room Mom for the little ballerinas, meaning I helped get them on stage and waited with them until it was their turn. Trying to contain 7 budding ballerinas for an hour and a half (on two days- rehearsal and performance) is like trying to contain wild bulls. Don't let their innocent, cute smiles fool you. I brought books to keep them quiet backstage and a beaded bracelet activity- it lasted all of 15 minutes.
Victoria had 3 birthday parties to go to on the same day as Bella's recital. Two of the parties were for her two closest friends at school- Isabella and Bentley. Isabella's party was at Sweat and Sassy. They did her hair and make up and dressed them in cute dresses. Victoria loved it!
Bentley's party was a movie party- they watched Kung Fu Panda 2 and ate cake! Elliot's party (the little boy who Victoria sits next to at school) was a Bounce House party. Needless to say, as soon as we got home, Victoria had no problem sleeping that night. (She's been waking up the past 3 weeks off and on in the middle of the night and having problems going to bed.)
On Tuesday Victoria received an award at school for her reading success throughout the year. She has really surprised me with her abilities. She went from whining about reading to reading a book all by herself up in bed (I could hear her through the sound monitor.) She has gone from a Pre Kindergarten reading level A to an almost 2nd grade reading level G.
I'm very proud of Victoria.