"I had an amazing day!" said Victoria when I picked her up from her first day of Kindergarten. After school we went for yogurt, and she told me all about her day- she met a bunch of girl friends (Isabella, Hailey, and some girl that looks like her old friend Kaitlyn), she did a tour of the school, she watched Magic School Bus during snack time, she liked recess, but didn't get to go outside because it was too hot, she calls her teacher Mrs. Byers, not "teacher" because she wouldn't want to be called "kid", she met both principals, and she loves music class where you
get to play a game called "Busy Bee."
Victoria holds up a inside out cereal box that she decorated for her "book box" for the first day of school. She drew a bunch of unknown classmates with different hairstyles on it. Notice how the majority of them have red hair :)