We had our first slumber party ever. Caleb and Chloe came over on Sunday night for a sleepover. What fun we had! The girls played dress up and changed outfits a gazillion times. However, they were super cute in their ballerina outfits, so I had to take pictures. They danced in front of Caleb and Jeremy to try to get their attention as they played video games on the Wii. Victoria also liked playing the Wii with Caleb, but she's still learning to use it and got frustrated easily.
We laid out the sleeping bags for the kiddos and gave them the option of sleeping in the beds or sleeping on the floor. They played musical beds most of the night. I put them down at 9ish, but let them talk for a while. (What fun is a slumber party without staying up and talking?) Finally, after coming in multiple times and telling them to keep it down, I laid down the law at 10:30. I sat in the room until everyone went to bed;) I think back to when my parents had to keep telling me and my friends to go to bed at our slumber parties- great times!
The next day, I met Renae and Keira at our community pool and we had fun swimming and having a picnic.
Kiera squirts Renae. He he.
The kids played rescue heroes, and Caleb would rescue them using his boogie board.
Funny story- Renae asks Chloe what she had for breakfast at our house. Chloe replies- "Cat food." I burst out laughing. (I call one of those healthily fiber cereals cat food to get the kids to eat it. I guess Victoria told Chloe that morning that she was eating cat food.)