Bella is going through that phase right now that is equivalent to nails on a chalkboard. She wants to be so independent, but at the same time, so clingy (and unfortunately whinny- and boy, is she good at it!) She is the Ying and the Yang. Last night she threw a full-on fit/tantrum for almost an hour because we wouldn't let her watch a TV program that she wanted. But then today she put on her own socks and shoes all by herself. She's been putting on her own clothes for a couple of months now, but shoes and socks are hard work. She did great! She's also been singing whole songs and reciting nursery rhymes all by herself- "Polly put the kettle on, kettle on..." And then the Yang- when I went to drop her off at school, she wouldn't let me go and started to cry and said "my tummy hurts!" (-her famous words for getting out of Time Out, and getting sympathy.) I left and of coarse spyied on her. After 3 minutes, she puts on a smile and plays with the rest ofthe class. (Little faker:) She's also become pretty crafty with her lies. The other night she told me that she had finished her supper and was now going to eat a lollipop (I've been letting them have one piece of Halloween candy after they finish all their supper.) I go to check on her plate and can't find it. I look on the table, in the sink, under the table, finally I open the trash can, and realize she has hidden her lie- a full plate of spaghetti. Ahhh, Bella. (With this phase of Bella's life, I've learned you take the good with the bad and try to survive with a smile on your face.)