This past weekend, we traveled to Pittsburg Texas to visit our Uncle Jerry and Aunt Barb at their lake house. While there, we visited with the family- Carol, Dick, Sally, Quinn, Dave, and Denise, and Paul and Yvonne (Jerry's neighbors). What fun we had! We ate tons of great food- steaks, BBQ, summer salads, and yummy desserts. We played in the sunshine- swimming, diving, fishing, boating, and (my favorite and Victoria's) jet sking. I even got to pull Jer in an inner tube behind the jet ski until he wiped out:) And of coarse, the amazing firework displays! Jer shot off some little fireworks in Jerry's backyard, then everyone loaded up into a boat and watched the giant fireworks from the lake. That was the way to do it- gentle breeze, giant fireworks overhead.

Jer and Victoria on a Jet Ski

Victoria and Bella goofing off at the dock.

Watching Daddy's fireworks.

Victoria with a Sparkler
Side note: my kids did have their first Joy Riding Experience. I was upstairs putting on my bathing suit and Jer had just finished spraying the girls with sunscreen. As he was rubbing sunscreen on his face, he heard the girls ask, "Daddy can we drive to the lake now?" He opened his eyes and realized that they were in the golf cart and had started driving it to the lake. Off he ran after them. Victoria managed to drive it 20 feet, swerving to avoid numerous trees and a shed, before running the left wheel into a tree and coming to a halt. The girls were not seriously hurt, other then Bella getting a bruised face. The golf cart was fixed by Jerry and the guys after a half an hour. All's okay. I sure hope that this is there last joyriding experience!