Friday, March 27, 2009

More Spring Break Pics

The weather was beautiful for Spring Break. One night we hooked up the sprinkler to water the yard, before we knew it the girls had found a way to get wet. I bought them each a towel to keep warm.

Victoria wanted to go rollerskating. She's gotten much better, but still needs a little help. Bella was the tag-a-long chanting "Wait for me!"

Bella is still learning how to skate. Her idea of skating is walking and falling.

Welcome our newest member of the family- Goldie! He's actually survived a month, so I felt I could mention him. There were days I thought he might not survive his bowl, the water, or the kids... but alas... life is good for Goldie our pet Beta.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

Well, we're nearing the home stretch- Spring Break is coming to a close. Ahhhh. It has been jam packed full of fun and stress. We've visited the doctor- Bella had yet another ear infection; gone to numerous parks- Tuscany Meadows, J.R. Grant, Carpenter, Little Elm Park, Frisco Commons; seen many friends and relatives- Darcy, Dan, Kate, Abby, Jolyn, Zack, Tyler, Jenni, Preston, Ally, Maria, Zack, Jenna, Jennifer, Emma, Zane, Chris, Chuck, Nico, Marlee, Patti, Grayson, Heidi, Quinn, Tanner, Tessa, Jay, Julie, Braylen, both sets of Grandparents; and just played, played, played! (While Momma has cleaned, cleaned, cleaned.) I did get some much needed time to myself though- on Thursday I met my dear friend Anne for Italian food at Addison square and then Saturday night I went to my friend Jenni's house for the movie debut of Twilight. We dressed in vampire black, drank some daiquiris, ate some yummy foods, and relived our high school days. I'm glad today's Sunday and even more glad tomorrow's Monday and is a school day:)

This was just one of many messes from the week.
Group photo of Thursday playgroup.

Jenni and Dasha made the coolest party favors for the Twilight party!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Zoo Trip

We went to the Dallas Zoo for Nico's Birthday this weekend. Talk about fun! The weather was beautiful!!! (75 degrees and overcast.) The kids enjoyed running around the giant place and seeing the animals. I honestly think they liked the statues more than the actual critters.

We were allowed to go into the bird tent and feed the birds using a Popsicle stick with bird seed on it. Both girls were apprehensive about this, but enjoyed it. (They were scared of a bird landing on their heads.)

In the children section of the zoo, they had sculptures, slides, and a little creek that you could take your shoes off and splash around. Bella was my "wild banshee" for the day; the wind loved her hair.

We had so much fun! Thank you Chris and Chuck! Happy Birthday Nico!

Build A Bear

Lake Ray Roberts

Memorial Weekend 2009

Brothers Visit

Christmas '08

PA Vacation Slideshow