Today was Victoria and Bella's last swim lesson. I have to say, it's really paid off having them in swim lessons. Victoria actually went under the water and swam by herself today for a whole 5 seconds. (Although she said she was scared, she did it.) Bella as well, I've noticed improvement. She's swimming more with full body. If I hold her on her belly in the water, she uses her hands to "ice cream scoop" and feet to kick, and will occasionally blow in the water. They are both not water babies, but are now finally (just as the end of summer comes) much more comfortable in the water.
I'm sad and happy that the lessons have ended. Of coarse, they both really loved going to them, especially after the first week, but the preparation on my part everyday was exhausting. I would change the kids into their
bathing suits after Fun Club (my time to work out at the Frisco Athletic Center while they get to play.) Then give them a light snack, while we watched Sponge Bob in the Lady's Locker Room. Then take them to swim lessons. Then take them back to the locker room and give them a shower (which Bella hated and
cried the whole time.) Then change them and me back into our clothes and go home and eat lunch. That was our whole morning/afternoon for two weeks.
Today after our shower as I'm getting ready, Victoria is sitting in her towel looking at a lady that just walked into the locker room. She says, "Mommy that's a crazy woman." I try to ignore her (hoping the lady didn't hear) and say, "Why don't you sing Bella a song." Victoria proceeds, "Mommy, that lady has crazy hair." I say, "Victoria we don't talk that way. Sing Bella a song." At this point, Victoria starts to push her limits... "Tinkle, tinkle, pee, and poop... (song to Twinkle, Twinkle)." I respond with, "you have two seconds to stop or you're going to a very long time out." She hides under her towel, while I finish getting ready, then getting them ready. Later, I try to explain to her that we don't use words like "crazy" to talk about other people. I don't think she really understands, she just kept asking why?
After the kid's naps, I took Bella and Victoria to their first movie showing. We went to go see Horton Hears a Who- three thumbs up according to all of us. We met Chris and Nico at the dollar movies. Luckily it was only really us and another couple in the whole
theatre. The kids were adorable. They kept laughing when the elephant would act silly and fall down. I love there laughs. We gorged ourselves on popcorn, soda, and M&Ms- too much fun. We will
definitely have to do this again. They were all wonderful and I/we had a great time.