Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pappap's Birthday

Last Friday was Pappap Joe's birthday (my Dad's birthday- man, is it wierd calling him grandpa.) He liked the coffee cup with V.'s artwork on it. We took him out to Pasada's to celebrate. He fed V. a her first taste of hot sauce on chips- she liked it- go figure! I. slept for most of the time, and when she did wake, it was poop patrol time. Speaking of poop, last week, as I was feeding I., V. came running out of the kitchen, NAKED and declared- "Poop in Potty!" I went to go take her to the toilet and of coarse- nothing. As I went to go get a cup of coffee, I discovered mounds of poop all over the kitchen floor. Oh, the joy of potty training.

Monday, January 22, 2007


We traveled to Corpus last weekend-Awesome! While Dallas was 20 degrees, it was in the 70's and picture perfect. I had so much fun!!! We stayed at a hotel that overlooked the ocean- at night we'd put the kids to bed and sit on the balcony drinking beer and rejuvenating. V. enjoyed her first sight of the ocean- we've been reading tons of ocean books to her and when she saw it kept repeating- ocean, ocean, ocean! Daddy taught her how to play chase the wave, then run as fast as you can when it comes back. She loved it, until her little feet touched the cold water and it was time to dig in the sand. I. was still to little to notice that we'd left the confines of our house- as long as she got her milk she was happy. But a got pictures to prove that we really did go, and it's not some wonderful dream. Yes, even my kids were delightful angels on the plane. In short, we ate too much seafood, enjoyed the ocean to its fullest, and had our first successful family vacation.

Build A Bear

Lake Ray Roberts

Memorial Weekend 2009

Brothers Visit

Christmas '08

PA Vacation Slideshow